Six (6) myths about smartphones that are not true.

October 10, 2021

Six (6) myths about smartphones that are not true.

Although most of us are connected to our phones, we know very little about the reality of its use, effects and just a lot of things.
Much of what we think we know about the phone is a concept and has no reality or reality.
Get acquainted (gain, obtain) with present-day techniques that most people do not have.

1. Charge your battery overnight will damage your Phone

Modern mobile phones are called "smart" for specific reasons. In fact, today's devices are skilled in that way because they know when to stop charging - and they will stop automatically when needed.
So, while it is true that a few years ago charging your phone damaged the battery, today - as long as you use an official charger - your phone will not be damaged even overnight charging.
It should be noted that all mobile phone batteries are in a state of decay at all times - so none of them will last forever.
However, charging your phone overnight will not increase the damage to your battery.

2. More Megapixels is similar to High Quality Image

What is a megapixel? It is one million pixels in size. Thus, a 12-megapixel camera can capture an image created by 12 million pixels.

Many people - including smartphone makers - refer to megapixels as the basic indicator of a good camera. However, these days, image quality is even more important.

It is therefore possible for a 12-megapixel high-quality camera to take a better picture than a 15-megapixel high-quality camera.

So, sometimes when you buy a phone, remember, more megapixels does not mean better images.

3. Wifi - free internet service is safe

For many of us, free Wi-Fi can be very interesting - especially when traveling or outside of our normal network.

But what you don't know is that free Wi-Fi networks are usually open and, therefore, vulnerable to hackers' attacks.

Hackers can alter or interfere with communication between two parties that they believe are communicating. Not a good thing.

Because of this, it is a good idea to avoid Wi-Fi - public.

These wifi do not require authentication to establish a network connection, making them ideal for hackers looking to gain access to secure devices using that network.

If you must use public Wi-Fi, always use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to add an extra layer of security.

4. 4G or 5G uses more data than 3G

The popular belief is that 4G uses more 3G data. In fact, 4G or 5G is faster and faster connection uses more data? It's not. In this context, "data" refers to the number of information that flows between the network and your device.

So, if you download a 2MB image using a 4G connection, it may take a little longer than using 3G - but it will still use exactly 2MB data. The same thing will happen when 5G is used.

In short, the only thing that is different between generations of mobile technology is affecting the speed of your connection.

4. Mobile phones emit harmful radiation

Ever since mobile phones were first introduced to the market, people have been concerned that radiation exposure is dangerous - causing cancer and other serious diseases.

But a little understanding might help to dispel such fears.

In this case, what we need to understand is what mobile phones offer.

The answer is electric waves: the same things that make your radio work. The electromagnetic radiation that mobile phones emit is completely safe.

In fact, more than 25,000 copies have been written on the effects of electromagnetic radiation on humans - which is more research than we did with most of the chemicals in our food.

6. Do not use your mobile phone while charging

You may have trouble putting your phone down. In fact, it is important for your social life, your leisure time, perhaps your health and even your online shopping.

The notion that you should not use your phone while charging is, then, something that most people would like to see ignored.

And the fact is that this is just a hypothesis but it has no truth. There are some electronic devices that are not safe to use during charging (which is probably how this concept came into use), mobile phones are not one of them.

In fact, if you use your phone while it is charging, it will take longer for the battery to charge, but it will not harm you or your phone.

#What other myths do u think have not been mentioned?. Let's know in the comment section below.🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️