Twitter seeking input as it explores filter and limit controls on tweets and replies

October 10, 2021
Twitter seeking input as it explores filter and limit controls on tweets and replies

Twitter is trying to find input on 2 new potential options that might offer users additional management over the tone and quality of replies to their tweets. Filter and Limit, as shared by Twitter designer Paula Barcante, would showing intelligence hide offensive or harmful replies or forestall repeat offenders from replying in the slightest degree.

Based on the thought pictures Barcante shared, Twitter would discover whether or not or not you’ve received harmful replies and so prompt you to show on Filter or Limit. “If you've got Filter on, doubtless harmful replies to your Tweet wouldn’t be shown to you or anyone else,” Barcante writes. With Limit enabled, accounts with a history of offensive or “repetitive, uninvited tweets” would be prevented from replying in the slightest degree.

In Twitter’s thought, filtered replies area unit still visible to the one that tweets them. Image: Twitter
Twitter’s thought is fairly direct regarding whether or not or not you've got Filter or Limit enabled. within the case of filtered tweets, they still seem for the person replying, with intercalary text that says: “This reply is merely visible to you.” For accounts with Limit enabled, Twitter would show a warning explaining that “Reply limit is on” with a link to find out additional.

Now since this — entirely theoretic — method is machine-driven, it’s certain to not be correct all of the time. Barcante notes that Twitter is additionally considering rental users review the tweets that get caught in either feature’s internet just in case the user disagrees with Twitter’s machine-driven call and needs to correct it.

#What are your views on this upcoming feature? Let us know in the comment section below.